29 - 31 October 2025

Foire aux Questions

Who can contribute?

All SSE actors, but also all relevant stakeholders: local and national governments, national and international civil society networks, international organizations, private sector actors, trade unions and institutions.

How will the contributions fit into the programme?

The Forum programme will consist of: 

  • plenary sessions (10 for Dakar 2023)
  • conferences in two formats: workshops with several speakers and self-managed sessions (80 for the 2023 event, bringing together a total of 180 speakers).

Contributions may also take the form of:

  • individual communication - an individual communication corresponds to a proposal for a contribution from a single person/organization, which will be attached to a panel by the organizers
  • collective communication - a collective session is a proposal for a complete session which may take various forms (workshop, round table, panel, etc.), but which may be combined with other proposals for collective sessions by the organizers
  • self-managed session - this allows you to use a room at your convenience, but the logistics, translation and content are entirely up to your organization.

Can contributions be made remotely?

The Forum encourages the sharing of experiences and practices, and meetings can extend beyond the workshop sessions. For this reason, it is essential that contributions are made live on the Forum, although it may be possible to show a video to supplement the speaker's comments with other testimonies.  

Are contributions paid for?

The Forum is a not-for-profit event based on a spirit of co-construction with SSE actors, local governments and SSE partners. Contributions are unpaid.

Will the contributions be translated by the organizers?

While all the plenary sessions, workshops and thematic round tables will be translated (French/English/Spanish), this is not the case for the self-managed sessions.

Contributors are also advised to speak in one of these three languages, and if they wish to do so, to arrange for live translation at their own expense. 

If you have any queries, please contact the organizing team

How will the content of the Forum programme be promoted?

A pre-programme will be drawn up for spring 2025 and will be available on the official website: www.bordeauxgsef2025.orgRegistration will open to participants at the same time.   The detailed programme will be available in the weeks leading up to the event online and by mailing to registrants, and will also be distributed on site to participants. It will include a summary of each sequence to enable participants to choose according to their area of interest.

The organizers plan to produce summaries of all the content for the Forum proceedings, which will be distributed after the event.

Is it possible to have a stand at the Forum?

It is possible to reserve a stand at the Forum venue in the space presenting the SSE initiatives and projects of local governments, networks, organizations, actors, etc. Reserving a stand is subject to a fee and will be open from the end of 2024 according to the procedures that will be presented on the Forum website.

Is it possible to organize an event alongside the official programme?

Certain organizations and networks may be interested in organizing a general meeting, a working meeting, etc. during the Forum and on the premises. Such requests should be made to the Forum's organizing team to assess their feasibility in the light of existing logistical constraints.

Composition of the Scientific Committee:

chaired by Timothée Duverger, Doctor of History and lecturer at Sciences Po Bordeaux, where he heads the TerrESS chair.

National researchers

  • Eric Bidet – ADDES
  • Eliabetta Bucolo – RIUESS
  • Timothée Duverger – CIRIEC France
  • Marilyne Filippi – RECMA
  • Xabier Itçaina – ScPo Bx
  • Francesca Petrella – EMES
  • Nadine Richez-Battesti – ADDES

International researchers

  • Ilcheong Yi – UNRISD
  • Marguerite Mendell – GSEF
  • Leandro Morais
  • Rafael Chaves-Avila – CIRIEC Espagne
  • Sybille Mertens – EMES
  • Marie Bouchard – CIRIEC International

National players

  • Mélanie Thuilier – CRESS NA
  • David Le Norcy
  • Mélissa Gentile – coop Tiers lieux
  • Claire Thoury – Le mouvement associatif
  • Jérôme Saddier – ESS France
  • Alain Arnaud – CIRIEC France
  • Hugues Sibille – Labo de l’ESS
  • Mahel Coppey – RTES
  • Ghislain Brégeot – IFAID

International players

  • Laurence Kwark – GSEF
  • Alain Coheur – ESS FI
  • Mireille Pelchat – Chantier de l’ESS
  • Denise Fatoumata Ndour – Dakar
  • Fabrice Balou 
  • Denis Stokkink – Pour la solidarité
  • Barbara Sak – CIRIEC International
  • Emilio R. Rabasco – FAMSI/CGLU
  • Malick Diop – RACTES
  • Amadou Ndiaye
  • Bérénice Alcade Castro – INAES